Health Connect Clinic

Internal Medicine

The department of internal medicine at Health Connect Clinic is staffed by expert internal medicine doctors who specialize in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of a diverse array of medical disorders. Our dedicated internal medicine doctors are well-versed in addressing a wide range of conditions, including but not limited to diabetes, hypertension, asthma, endocrine disorders, rheumatological issues, gastrointestinal problems, cardiovascular conditions, respiratory ailments, neurological disorders, and more. Whether the ailment is genetic or acquired, our team is committed to providing the highest level of medical expertise and care to ensure your health and well-being.

Our Internal Medicine service includes :

Full clinical examination

Full clinical examination

which comprises of full medical history including your past and family medical history, full physical examination and explanation of clinical findings.

Regular check-up and lab tests

Regular check-up and lab tests

based on clinical finding our specialist conducts special or routine lab tests to evaluate and confirm the diagnosis

Management of chronic condition

Management of chronic condition

Based on your condition, clinical examinations and lab investigations our specialist will not only prescribe the proper medications but, also will advise you to achieve a healthy life style with proper diet and exercise.

Prevent the complications

Prevent the complications

our specialist will help you to reach the early diagnosis and receive the appropriate treatment so, you’ll prevent complications.

Rule out the risk factor

Rule out the risk factor

Any disease has its own risk factor our specialist will assist you in the early detection and prevention of major and minor risk factors.

Management of infectious disease

Management of infectious disease

our specialist will help you to identify the microbial causes of an infection and initiate the antimicrobial therapy if needed.
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General Questions

Here are a few commonly asked questions that our doctors have answered for you.

An internal medicine physician specialised care for adults on all general medicine related queries. An internal medicine physician can advice you on a more advance care related to your medical condition. This may include further investigations with the help of blood investigations and your general health examination.

It’s important to have a follow up with an internal medicine physician. They get to know you, your history and your family health history. Building a long-term relationship with you and can translate to major health benefits over your lifetime, such as lower overall health costs, a decrease in hospital and ER visits, and better management of chronic diseases

Our Physician will need to have a consultation with you in order to understand you better. To give you an overall idea, our physician does see cases for preventive care, women’s health, men’s health, diabetes, high-blood pressures, senior health and geriatrics, infectious disease and a lot more. 

Because your internal medicine physician sees you often, they’ll know best which kinds of diseases or health problems you need to be on the lookout for. They know about your existing health issues. Hopefully you’ve filled in some family history for them as well. That way, when you ask which kinds of screenings or medical tests you should get, your internal medicine doctor will know which ones are a high priority

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